Higher Education Reform Experts

The purpose of the National Team of Higher Education Reform Experts is to provide a pool of expertise in areas of Quality Assurance, Three Cycle System, and Recognition in order to promote reforms and enhance progress in Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and therefore participate in the development of policies and reforms.

National Team of Higher Education Reform Experts (HERE) in Bosnia and Herzegovina has 10 members, including 3 university representatives (University of Sarajevo, University of Banja Luka and University of Mostar), 3 national authorities representatives (Ministry of Civil Affairs BiH, Federal Ministry of Education and Science and Ministry of Education and Culture of RS), 2 agency representatives (Agency for Development of Higher Education and Quality Assurance and Centre for Information and Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education), and two students (Student Union of RS and Student Parliament of the University of Sarajevo).

Purpose of this group is to assist governments, universities and other key stakeholders in BiH in process of implementing the main principles of the Bologna process and Lisbon agenda, including lifelong learning policy development and promotion of progress toward the Lisbon and Bologna objectives.

HERE Activity reports

Below you can find EACEA annual activity reports on HEREs in Tempus partner countries:

Useful documents/reports:
Study Visits:
Additional recommendations:
Bologna process Student’s Guide:

Local events:

This content reflects the views only of the authors, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


National Erasmus+ Office in BiH

Džemala Bijedića 279H,
71000 Sarajevo,
Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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Mail to: office@erasmusbih.com
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