19-20 September, 2016
Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

Warsaw University of Technology was a host of the HERE Seminar concerning qualifications frameworks. Higher Education Reform Experts and National Erasmus+ Offices of 25 EU partner countries, different international institutions, higher education institution and Education Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), Support and Promotion for Higher Education Reform Expert (SPHERE) team, European Universities Association (EUA), Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI), European Training Foundation (ETF), Danish Accreditation Institution, Warsaw University of Technology, Polish Rectors’ Conference (KRASP), University of Warsaw took a part in the Seminar.

The main reasons for organisation were to rise a general understanding of the participants on what QFs are, how they work, what are the advantages and challenges on a way of developing, and implementing them. Almost all countries even beyond Europe are developing their qualifications frameworks with more or less success, encountering many difficulties and challenges. This Seminar was an opportunity for the participating countries to present their approaches in developing their qualifications framework but also to learn more from countries which already developed it. The main conclusions from the Seminar would be:

  • QFs are very important tools to facilitate increased mobility of pupils, students and labor forces, recognition of foreign qualifications, as well as recognition of different learning paths.
  • They should be a part of the system of quality assurance at higher education institutions.
  • A commitment to developing Qualifications Framework must not be directed only to competent authorities. This is the process in which the synergy between different stakeholders, social partners, educational institutions, the academic community and the entire community is more than required. Without this synergy, this very complex process cannot achieve expected results.
  • Although the experiences of other countries are very useful, the development should be based on the demands of the labor market in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Different benefits might have arisen from the development of the Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina such as a commitment of BiH concerning Bologna process, more transparent educational system, classiyfying qualifications for different purposes, an educational progress and progress in the labor market in Bosnia and Herzegovina, provide an indication of the learning outcomes that learners would  achieve at each level of education, facilitate recognition of qualifications in Bosnia and Herzegovina and a contribution to quality assurance systems.

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