What we do...
Erasmus+ is the EU Programme in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. It offered a life changing experience to more than 10 million participants over the last 30 years, and will continue offering opportunities for a wide variety of individuals and organisations for the next seven-year lifecycle...
Erasmus+ provides grants for a wide range of actions and activities
The programme gives opportunities to students, trainees, staff and volunteers to spend a period abroad to increase their skills and employability.
Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Key Action 1 supports mobility in the education, training and youth sectors and aims to bring long lasting benefits to the participants and the participating organisations involved.
Key Action 2: Cooperation Among Organisations and Institutions
The actions under Key Action 2 make it possible for organisations from different participating countries to work together, to develop, share and transfer best practices and innovative approaches in the fields of education, training youth and sport.
Key Action 3: Support to Policy Development and Cooperation
Key Action 3 provides grants for a wide variety of actions aimed at stimulating innovative policy development, policy dialogue and implementation, and the exchange of knowledge in the fields of education, training youth and sport.
Jean Monnet
Within the new Erasmus+ Programme, the Jean Monnet Actions aim at promoting excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide.
Who we are...
National Erasmus+ Office in BiH
The National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) Bosnia and Herzegovina provides assistance to national authorities, education institutions and organizations, and all other relevant stakeholders with implementation of the Erasmus+ activities in fields of higher education, VET, youth and sport.
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The European Universities alliances are a flagship initiative of the European strategy for universities. The initiative sets the ambition to expand to 60 European Universities alliances involving more than 500 higher education institutions by mid-2024.
This initiative has an ambitious mandate aimed to trigger and deepen unprecedented levels of institutional cooperation between higher education institutions, making it systemic, structural and sustainable. It aims to encourage the emergence of bottom-up transnational alliances of higher education institutions across Europe, taking transnational cooperation to a new level of intensity and scope and offering students opportunities to combine studies in several countries.
Erasmus+ supports the set-up and running of the European Universities alliances through calls for proposals, covering education and the link with research and innovation, all at the service of society.
The European Commission held an information session on to the 2024 Erasmus+ call for proposals for European Universities and you can access the recording and presentations from the information session.
For more details visit The European Universities alliances.
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European Universities initiative is an ambitious EU initiative aimed at establishing alliances between higher institutions from all across Europe, for the benefit of their students, staff and society. It is implemented primarily through Erasmus+ funding.
The main source of financial support for European Universities alliances comes through Erasmus+. In addition, they can access
- national or regional funding schemes
- funding for research and innovation
- any other relevant EU funding resources
Since 2023 Universities from Western Balkans has opportunity to participate in this Initiative and be partners in European Universities alliances.
For more details visit European Universities initiative
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U srijedu, 29.05.2024. u prostorijama Europe House, Nacionalna Erasmus+ kancelarija u Bosni i Hercegovini je organizovala Trening radionicu: “Erasmus+ mogućnosti za BiH u oblasti mladih“.
Na radionici je prezentirana Erasmus+ akcija Izgradnja kapaciteta u oblasti mladih, a učesnici su dobili informacije o koracima i procedurama neophodnim za uključivanje u Erasmus+ program, kako razviti projektnu aplikaciju, pronaći partnere te aplicirati projekat.
U uvodnom obraćanju, prisutne je pozdravio g. Fermin Cordoba, politički savjetnik pri Delegaciji Evropske unije u Bosni i Hercegovini.
Gošće radionice: Maja Vejzović-Volder, Menadžerica razvoja i koordinacije projekta i Merima Bečirović, menadžerica Erasmus+ projekta iz Agencije lokalne demokratije Mostar su sa učesnicima podijelile svoja praktična iskustva sa Erasmus+ Programom te dale vrlo korisne savjete za planiranje, razvoj projektnih ideja kao i implementaciju Erasmus+ projekata.
Učesnici radionice koji su predstavljali organizacije koje aktivno rade sa mladima doprinijeli su radionici svojim pitanjima i idejama, te iskoristili priliku za međusobno upoznavanje i povezivanje kao i planiranje za buduće saradnje.
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Zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati Vas na Trening radionicu „Erasmus+ mogućnosti za BiH u oblasti mladih“ koja će se održati u srijedu 29.05.2024 godine u Sarajevu, u prostorijama Europe House-a, Maršala Tita 62, Sarajevo.
Cilj radionice je promocija Erasmus+ mogućnosti u oblasti mladih koje su dostupne institucijama BiH, uključujući:
- Projekti izgradnje kapaciteta u oblasti mladih (KA2).
Radionica će imati interaktivni karakter kako bi omogućila učesnicima da se aktivno uključe u dijalog i steknu praktična iskustva i vještine o tome kako se uključiti Erasmus+ projekte.
Također, želimo vam pružiti priliku za uspostavljanje novih kontakata i umrežavanje.
Vaše prisustvo potvrdite registracijom najkasnije do 28.05.2024. na sljedećem linku: https://forms.gle/TVcBuQCp32LnLwNr9
Molimo vas da ovaj poziv podijelite sa svim potencijalno zainteresiranim organizacijama. Hvala u naprijed.
Radujemo se vašem dolasku!
The purpose of the National Team of HIGHER EDUCATION REFORM EXPERTS is to provide a pool of expertise in areas of Quality Assurance, Three Cycle System, and Recognition in order to promote reforms and enhance progress in Higher Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina and therefore participate in the development of policies and reforms.
Where we are
...and how to find us
Džemala Bijedića 279H, 71000 Sarajevo
FBiH, Bosnia and Herzegovina
email: office@erasmusbih.com
Phone: +387 33 570 260
Fax: +387 33 570 261