10-11 June, 2019
Technical University of Moldova, Moldova


The Technical University of Moldova, the Republic of Moldova, was a host of the HERE Seminar concerning recognition. Higher Education Reform Experts and National Erasmus+ Offices of EU partner countries, as well as different international and national institution and higher education institution, attended the Seminar.

The seminar focuses on recognition – specifically, an implication for cross-border higher education and mobility. The main reason for the organization of this Seminar was the fact that this topic is critically important because without understanding the mechanisms of recognition, no international mobility strategies can be considered realistic at a systematic or institutional level. Transparent and fair recognition procedures have become an inevitable part of educational policies in Europe. Moreover, since the 2015 Yerevan Ministerial Conference and adopted the revised ESG standards, recognition has become an important part of the accreditation process at a higher education institution, making the recognition as a part of education policies. The main conclusions from the Seminar would be:

  • Not all countries (regions) use principles already stipulated by the Lisbon Recognition Convention and other regional conventions so that different levels of progress concerning recognition matters can be a barrier for fruitful discussion between attendees.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina is a step forward compared with other countries, especially related to the recognition of formal qualifications. Although through STINT project in Bosnia and Herzegovina, within academic recognition, recognition of non-formal education and informal learning have been stipulated, additional training and workshops are needed for full implementation of prior learning.
  • Moreover, recognition of different knowledge concerning access to the labor market should be also one of the activities for the upcoming period. Example of Kazakhstan can be used for development of our own procedures in BiH.
  • The recognition of professional qualifications, it is evident that almost all countries have struggled because of a very complex matter. This means, for implementation of the Decision on Adoption of the Road Map for Implementation of the EU Directive on Regulated Professions 2005/36/EC and 2013/55/EU (Official Gazette of BiH, No. 10/16), additional projects and inclusion of all stakeholders are demanding because without the synergy of key institutions as well as cooperation with other stakeholders implementation is a very hard job, almost an impossible task.



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