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The European Vocational Skills Week is an annual event during which local, regional or national organisations showcase the very best of Vocational Education and Training (VET) - a sector capable of empowering all people with the skills they need for a fulfilling personal and professional life. More info on this link.
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We are pleased to inform you that the results of the selection of the Jean Monnet Activities project applications (Call for Proposals ref. EAC/A02/2019- Selection Year 2020) were published. The University of Sarajevo was selected for the implementation of the teaching module “Modern techniques to ensure environmental sustainability in Eastern Europe”.
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We are pleased to inform you that the results of the selection of the Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education project applications (EAC/A02/2019-selection year 2020) have been published. More details about selected projects involving HEIs from Bosnia and Herzegovina here.
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It is a pleasure to present you a short review of the CBHE projects, selected in 2019 involving partners from Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The number of projects is 8 and one project is coordinated by HEI from BiH, the University of Banja Luka.
The COVID-19 pandemic slowed down projects implementation, but partners adopted very fast to the new circumstances and activities are continued remotely.
With the hope that pandemic will be soon behind us, we wish you and your families to be healthy and to successfully continue with your work and the project activities.
Read more: Capacity Building in Higher Education projects involving partners from Bosnia and...
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Nacionalna Erasmus+ kancelarija u BiH u saradnji sa Univerzitetom u Sarajevu i timom eksperata iz Bosne i Hercegovine za reformu visokog obrazovanja (HERE) organizovala je radionicu o temi „Trenutni i budući trendovi visokog obrazovanja u Evropi i pregled stanja prioriteta razvoja visokog obrazovanja u BiH za period 2016–2026. godine“.
Predavači na radionici su bili gdin. Michael Gaebel, ekspert EU, direktor Odjela za politike visokog obrazovanja Evropske asocijacije univerziteta i gđa. Aida Durić, šef odsjeka za evropske integracije i međunarodnu saradnju Ministarstva civilnih poslova BiH i članica HERE tima BiH.
Cilj radionice bio je pregled postignuća visokog obrazovanja u Evropi u okviru Bolonjskog procesa, izazova sa kojima se susrećemo, kao i prezentacija budućih trendova u ovom procesu. Također, na radionici je prezentirano i trenutno stanje vezano za prioritete visokog obrazovanja u BiH za period 2016–2026. godine zajedno s glavnim izazovima.
Radionica je održana 3. decembra 2019. godine u sali za sastanke Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu.
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Call for Proposals for Jean Monnet Activities 2020 is open.
Please, find more information at the following link:
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Call for Proposals for the Capacity Building in the field of higher education (CBHE) 2020 is open.
Please, find more information at the following link:
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The main objective of the event was to promote opportunities within Erasmus+ Program, with special emphasis on presentation of the new Calls for Proposals in area of higher education, including: capacity building for higher education, international credit mobility, joint master degrees, Jean Monnet activities, and other relevant opportunities in area of higher education.
The event presented the key features of Erasmus+ program for a wide range of beneficiaries and stakeholders in the area of higher education including higher education institutions, students, relevant ministries and other stakeholders.
The event increased the awareness about the Erasmus+ program and contributed to strengthening cooperation and links between higher education institutions and other relevant stakeholders in BiH.
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- Hits: 5131
The Cluster meeting gathered representatives of 12 Capacity Building in the field of higher education (CBHE) curriculum development projects involving higher education institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina. The other stakeholders also took part as representatives of national authorities (Ministry of Scientific and Technological Development, Higher Education and Information Society of the Republika Srpska and Department of Education of the Government of the Brcko District).
The aim of the Cluster meeting was to assess the impact of the 12 selected CBHE projects on the higher education sector, public and private sector and the society at large, as well as to share experiences and provide some recommendations for the future.