Erasmus + provides grants for a wide range of actions and activities
The programme gives opportunities to students, trainees, staff and volunteers to spend a period abroad to increase their skills and employability.
Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Key Action 1 supports mobility in the education, training and youth sectors and aims to bring long lasting benefits to the participants and the participating organisations involved.
Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
The actions under Key Action 2 make it possible for organisations from different participating countries to work together, to develop, share and transfer best practices and innovative approaches in the fields of education, training and youth.
Key Action 3: Support for policy reforms
Key Action 3 provides grants for a wide variety of actions aimed at stimulating innovative policy development, policy dialogue and implementation, and the exchange of knowledge in the fields of education, training and youth.
Jean Monnet
Within the new Erasmus+ Programme, the Jean Monnet Actions aim at promoting excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide.
In the last week of October 2021 the Erasmus+ National Offices (NEO) with the support of the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) organise a Virtual Fair to showcase best results and inspiring practices emerging from Capacity Building projects in Higher Education (CBHE).
The Virtual Fair is an online event lasting two days (26 and 27 Oct) and offering the opportunity to about 100 CBHE projects, representing all regions, to showcase their most relevant results in front of an international and varied audience composed by academics from Programme and Partner countries, university managers and students, national policy makers, EU staff and other stakeholders.
The Virtual Fair includes plenary sessions, parallel workshops and a limited number of interactive training sessions targeting small groups and carried out by project partners. Using the Airmeet IT platform, the Virtual Fair also allows for efficient networking opportunities such as sharing project ideas and partner-finding in view of the upcoming CHBE calls under the new E+ Programme.
The different sessions of the Virtual Fair will address topics such as:
- HEI’s Staff professional development
- Enhancing teaching and learning quality
- Digitalization: developing a digital course, implementing digital methodologies
- Greening higher education
- Governance and management of the HEIs
- Quality assurance methodologies and procedures
- International strategies and internationalization at home: implementing virtual exchanges, developing hybrid courses, joint virtual classrooms
- Students’ services
- Fostering inclusion of vulnerable groups
- Soft skills for the 21st century
- Third cycle education (integration of research resources from HEI and from Academia of Sciences for PhD education)
- Work-based learning/Dual system
- 3rd mission of academia
The main language of the event will be English; a limited number of workshops and training sessions are possible also in Spanish or French.
In September 2021, the final agenda of the Virtual Fair will be circulated among all potential participants and registrations will be open for a global audience of about 600 participants.
Please find below information and links to register for the European Development Days.
On 15th and 16th June, the European Commission will be celebrating the European Development Days (EDD), which this year will take place in virtual format. This year, the focus will be on “The Green Deal for a Sustainable Future”.
The EDDs gather 4.500 organizations, 154 countries and more than 66.000 participants and bring the development community together each year to share ideas and experiences in ways that inspire new partnerships and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges.
This time the Erasmus+ Programme will be featured prominently on a stand in the EDD Global Village, next to the EU programmes on Research and Innovation. The focus will be on the international dimension of Erasmus+ and on its role in supporting the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes on climate change and sustainable development within the European Union and beyond: https://eudevdays.eu/community/sessions/3536/eu-education-training-youth-science-innovation-research-actions.
Link to the EDD 21 event page: https://eudevdays.eu/
Link to register for the EDD 21: https://eudevdays.eu/community/
Please note that the session will be delivered via webstreaming and any interested party will be able to connect as from 09:00 Brussels time via the following link:
This call will target specifically youth organisations in the Partner countries from “Region 1 - Western Balkans” (with an available budget of 3 M€) and “Region E3 – South Mediterranean countries” (with an available budget of 5M€).
Please note that for the 2021 CBY call for proposals, organisations from Regions 1 and 3 will only be able to act as partners and not as coordinators.
Due to technical reasons, several actions managed by EACEA have been postponed.
The new deadline for Erasmus Mundus (both EMJM and EMDM) is 17 June, 17:00 Brussels time.
Please check the official announcement: