16. i 17. 10. 2024. godine, zgrada Parlamentarne skupštine Bosne i Hercegovine, Sarajevo

Zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati Vas na Erasmus+ info dan u Bosni i Hercegovini 2024, koji organizira Ministarstvo civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine u saradnji sa Erasmus+ uredom za Bosnu i Hercegovinu i BRAVO organizacijom, u Sarajevu, 16. i 17. 10. 2024. godine u zgradi Parlamentarne skupštine Bosne i Hercegovine (Bijela sala na 2. spratu).

Erasmus+ info dan se organizira u cilju promocije mogućnosti Erasmus+ programa, kako bi se potencijalni aplikanti informisali i na vrijeme pripremili za što bolje i kvalitetnije podnošenje projektnih prijedloga za akcije dostupne Bosni i Hercegovini u oblasti obrazovanja, obuke, mladih i sporta, a na naredni poziv Evropske komisije za Erasmus+ program koji bi trebao biti objavljen krajem oktobra/početkom novembra tekuće godine.

Prvi dan događaja će biti posvećen oblasti obrazovanja i obuke, pri čemu bi bio fokus na visokom obrazovanju i srednjem stručnom obrazovanju i obuci, dok je drugi dan planirana prezentacija mogućnosti u oblasti mladih i sporta. AGENDA događaja.

Ministarstvo civilnih poslova Bosne i Hercegovine će učesnicima osigurati osvježenje tokom pauza, kao i ručak na bazi švedskog stola, za oba dana događaja.

Putne troškove i eventualne troškove smještaja, snose sami učesnici.

Zbog ograničenog broja mjesta molimo da najkasnije do utorka 08. 10. 2024. godine putem linka: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewVmQD1l7utCrDTU2yh2nyJEq0-f6NYJPKhfPZn47mVAvk7g/viewform?fbzx=6489255809511945320, izvršite registraciju učešća.

POZIVNO PISMO/INVITATION LETTER Ministrice civilnih poslova

We are pleased to invite you to the Erasmus+ info day in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2024, which is organized by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina in cooperation with the Erasmus+ Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the BRAVO organization, in Sarajevo, on October 16 and 17, 2024. building of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina (White Hall on the 2nd floor).

The Erasmus+ info day is organized in order to promote the possibilities of the Erasmus+ program, so that potential applicants are informed and prepared in time for the submission of the best and highest quality project proposals for actions available in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the field of Higher education, Vocational education and training, Youth and Sports, for the upcoming European Commission Erasmus+ Call 2025, which is expected to be published at the end of October/beginning of November of the current year.

The first day of the event will be dedicated to the field of education and training, where the focus would be on higher education and secondary vocational education and training, while the second day is planned for the presentation of opportunities in the field of youth and sports. AGENDA (language of the event: local)

The Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina will provide participants with refreshments during the breaks, as well as a buffet lunch, for both days of the event.

Travel and accommodation expenses are borne by the participants themselves.

Due to the limited number of places, please register your participation no later than Tuesday, October 8, 2024 via the link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSewVmQD1l7utCrDTU2yh2nyJEq0-f6NYJPKhfPZn47mVAvk7g/viewform?fbzx=6489255809511945320.