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The Capacity building in the field of Vocational Education and Training (CB VET) action supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of VET in EU Member States, third countries associated to the Erasmus+ programme and third countries not associated to the Programme. Its aim is to support the relevance, accessibility, and responsiveness of VET institutions and systems in third countries not associated to the Programme, as a driver of sustainable socio-economic development.
CB VET covers these regions from third countries not associated to the Erasmus+ programme: Western Balkans, Neighbourhood East, South-Mediterranean countries, Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and Caribbean.
We invite to take part in the online Erasmus+ World Wide Webinar 22-24/10/2024.
CB VET action will be presented twice on 24/10/2024:
10.00 - 10.45 and
14.30 - 15.15 Brussels time.
In each session there will be identical 15 minutes presentation that will be followed by the questions and answers session. All sessions will take place in English, with interpretation into French and Spanish. You can ask your questions in any of these three languages. The event will be also recorded.
The minimum EU grant is 100 000 euro, the maximum 400 000 euro. Based on the previous calls these are the approximate EU grants that could be allocated to selected projects in the next call:
Western Balkans: 7 800 000 euro
The complete information on the previous call, eligibility criteria and regional priorities can be found in the Erasmus+ Programme Guide 2024 available in all official languages of the EU. The new Programme guide 2025 will be published in November 2024. The new PG will be available also in and in the EU Funding & Tenders portal.
Usually, the deadline for submission of projects is February – March next year.
In total 126 selected projects in the calls 2022 and 2023 could be found here:
You can see the selected projects in the Funding & Tenders Portal call pages
*2022 - Funding & tenders (europa.eu) – Click on ‘Funded project list’ – 58 projects
*2023 - Funding & tenders (europa.eu) – Click on ‘Funded project list’ - 68 projects
*2024 – Funding & tenders (europa.eu) – Click on “Funded project list” - complete list of 72 projects will be available in December 2024 (depending on the successful signing of a grant agreement), but already in October, November some projects will be visible, at present one project is visible
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The 2024 edition of our international webinar is taking place on 22-24 October.
Spread over three half-day sessions repeated each day, it is aimed mainly at potential partners from third countries.
All the info you need is on the event page - that's also the place to go on the day for the webstreaming link.
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- Klikova: 876
On October 16 and 17, "Erasmus+ Info Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2024" was organized by the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Erasmus+ office in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the BRAVO organization.
More than 170 participants, including higher education institutions, VET providers, non-governmental, youth and sports organizations, as well as government and business representatives, had the opportunity to learn more about the possibilities offered by this most comprehensive program of the European Union. The program supports activities in the fields of education, training, youth and sport.
Bosnia and Herzegovina has been actively participating in the Erasmus+ program for many years. This cooperation enables thousands of students, young people and staff of higher education institutions to participate in international exchanges, where they acquire new knowledge, experience and skills, which facilitates their career development and finding a job.
Institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina that participate in Erasmus+ capacity building projects, especially in the areas of higher education, vocational education and training, youth and sports, have the opportunity to modernize and better connect with relevant institutions across Europe and the world. Every year, dozens of new projects in which institutions from Bosnia and Herzegovina participate are selected for financing, and this kind of events aim to maintain such a trend in the future.
It is expected that the new Erasmus+ call will be published soon, which will represent an ideal opportunity to join the program.
You can see additional information about the event on the page of the Ministry of Civil Affairs of BiH:
Minister Bošnjak at the Erasmus+ Info Day
Drugi dan Erasmus+ Info dana 2024 u Bosni i Hercegovini
If you were not able to visit the "Erasmus+ Info Day in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2024", we invite you to the Erasmus+ World Wide Webinar 2024, which is a unique opportunity for potential Erasmus+ participants from non-EU countries to understand how they can join Erasmus+ and use its possibilities.
Information about the Erasmus+ Call 2025 will be available on the FTOP portal as well as on the page of the National Erasmus+ Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Presentations of Erasmus+ actions in the field of HE, VET, youth and sport based on Call 2024 can be found below links:
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- Klikova: 745
Upcoming Erasmus+ promotional events!