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We are pleased to inform you that the List of ECHE holders from Bosnia and Herzegovina-2021-2027 is published.
ECHE is a pre-rerequisite for higher education institutions from Western Balkan willing to participate in European Universities Initiative opened to HEIs from Region 1 countries, to participate as full partners in the call.
As a result, higher education institutions from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro have joined the initiative.
The complete list of Higher education institutions holding an ECHE - 2021-2027 can be found on the link: https://erasmus-plus.ec.europa.eu/document/higher-education-institutions-holding-an-eche-2021-2027
We congratulate all the ECHE holders from BiH and encourage other Universities to apply by the new cut-off date 25 January 2024.
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We are pleased to inform you that the European Universities Erasmus+ call 2023 results have been published and can be found here.
From Bosnia and Herzegovina, The University of Mostar is part of “European University for Peace, Justice, and Inclusive Societies” EUPeace* European Universities alliance.
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- Klikova: 1750
The Erasmus Student Network, the largest student organisation supporting student mobilities in 44 European and Asian countries, has launched a new edition of its flagship research project, the ESNsurvey.
The data collection is open from the 29th of May until the 31st of July, and it targets students who have participated in exchange programmes or mobilities abroad during the last two years, as well as students who have not taken part in mobility yet. The survey can be filled out on esnsurvey.org.
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National Erasmus + Office and International Burch University organizing workshop on May 24th, Wednesday at 13:00 o'clock on the topic:
"European Universities as a new initiative and Erasmus + Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) as a prerequisite for it"
If you are interested in this event send your applications to Ova e-maila adresa je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je vidjeli. by stating the name and surname as well as the position of the staff member.
Two staff members per institution can participate.
More information on European Universities initiative on the LINK
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- Klikova: 1715
We are pleased to inform you that the next application call for IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) is scheduled to open in mid-July 2023 and will close by end of September 2023.
The Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme aims to inspire and encourage young women to pursue a career in nuclear related field, by providing highly motivated female students with scholarships for Master’s programmes and an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA.
Scholarships are awarded annually, to 100+ female students, subject to availability of funds. In the selection of students, consideration is given to geographic and field of study diversity, in addition to eligibility requirements and other criteria. The selected students are awarded up to €20,000 for tuition costs and up to €20,000 for living costs for their Master’s programme. Upon completion of their studies, students are also given an opportunity to pursue an internship for up to 12 months at the IAEA, its partner organizations or industry. Additionally, students are provided with opportunities to attend and participate in various educational, professional and networking events. MSCFP recipients will also have a chance to become a part of the MSCFP LinkedIn Student and Alumni Group where they can exchange knowledge and experience, find out about technical events and career opportunities as well as connect to their peers. Since its launch in 2020, MSCFP has received 1563 applications, selecting 360 students from 110 nationalities studying in 65 countries worldwide. By end of 2022, 100 students have already completed their Master’s programme with support of MSCFP, embarking on internships facilitated by the IAEA or pursing PhD or employment in the nuclear field. The programme is envisaged to grow each year to ensure more women have an opportunity to pursue advanced education in nuclear related fields.
To read more about the programme and eligibility requirements, please visit the link: IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme and Information for applicants .