Erasmus + provides grants for a wide range of actions and activities
The programme gives opportunities to students, trainees, staff and volunteers to spend a period abroad to increase their skills and employability.
Key Action 1: Learning Mobility of Individuals
Key Action 1 supports mobility in the education, training and youth sectors and aims to bring long lasting benefits to the participants and the participating organisations involved.
Key Action 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
The actions under Key Action 2 make it possible for organisations from different participating countries to work together, to develop, share and transfer best practices and innovative approaches in the fields of education, training and youth.
Key Action 3: Support for policy reforms
Key Action 3 provides grants for a wide variety of actions aimed at stimulating innovative policy development, policy dialogue and implementation, and the exchange of knowledge in the fields of education, training and youth.
Jean Monnet
Within the new Erasmus+ Programme, the Jean Monnet Actions aim at promoting excellence in teaching and research in the field of European Union studies worldwide.
25.04.2024. u saradnji sa Olimpijskim komitetom Bosne i Hercegovine uspješno je realizovana trening radionica: “Erasmus+ mogućnosti u oblasti sporta“.
Na radionici je prezentirana Erasmus+ akcija Izgradnja kapaciteta u oblasti Sporta (CBS), a učesnici su dobili informacije o koracima i procedurama neophodnim za uključivanje u Erasmus+ program, kako razviti projektnu aplikaciju, pronaći partnere te aplicirati projekat.
Domaćin radionice prezentirao je projekte koje Olimpijski Komitet implemetira te podijelio svoja praktična iskustva vezana za apliciranje i implementaciju projekta Evropske Komisije i Erasmus+ programa.
Učesnici radionice koji su predstavljali sportske klubove i organizacije iz različitih sportova aktivno su se uključili svojim pitanjima i idejama, te imali priliku za međusobno upoznavanje i povezivanje kao i planiranje za buduće saradnje.
Zadovoljstvo nam je pozvati Vas na trening radionicu „Erasmus+ mogućnosti u oblasti sporta“ koja će se održati u četvrtak 25.04.2024 godine (11:00 - 13:30) u Sarajevu, u sali Olimpijskog komiteta (Alipasina bb - Zetra).
Radionicu organizuje Nacionalna Erasmus+ kancelarija u BiH (NEO) u saradnji sa Olimpijskim Komitetom Bosne i Hercegovine, a namjenjena je sportskim klubovima, savezima i svim organizacijama aktivnim na polju sporta i fizičke aktivnosti.
Cilj radionice je promocija Erasmus+ mogućnosti u oblasti sporta koje su dostupne institucijama i pojedincima iz BiH, uključujući:
- Projekti izgradnje kapaciteta u oblasti sporta i partnerstva za saradnju (KA2).
Radionica će imati interaktivni karakter kako bi omogućila učesnicima da se aktivno uključe u dijalog i steknu praktična iskustva i vještine o tome kako se uključiti Erasmus+ projekte.
Obzirom da je broj mjesta ograničen, molimo Vas da Vaše prisustvo potvrdite registracijom do 24.04.2024. na sljedećem linku: https://forms.gle/
Radujemo se vašem dolasku!
National Erasmus+ Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina (NEO), in cooperation with the Higher Education Reform Experts (HERE) organized the TAM workshop „The Further Development of the Baseline of Qualifications Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Implementation of the Directive 2005/36/EC and the Directive 2013/55/EU in Bosnia and Herzegovina – administrative cooperation, IMI system, EPC “ on 7th and 8th February 2024. on the premises of the International University of Sarajevo.
The workshop was led by an international expert, Dr Mile Dželalija, professor at the University of Split
The workshop aimed to give answers on several issues such as which institutions will assure quality assurance within the complex structure of BiH; responsibility of different institutions in development of qualifications framework; sectoral councils and their relations within 12 competent educational authorities, qualifications and occupational standards; relations between higher education institutions and the labor market and employment services in creation of study programs based on labor market demands.
Professor Mile Dzelalija, provided two presentations that can be found here:
National Erasmus+ Office in Bosnia and Herzegovina (NEO), in cooperation with the Higher Education Reform Experts (HERE) organized the TAM workshop „ Development, implementation and recognition of micro-credentials - examples of good practice“ on Wednesday, 31th January 2024. The TAM workshop was held on-line, via Zoom platform.
The workshop was led by an international expert, Dr. Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl, Associate Professor of Information Technology and Senior Research Fellow on the Faculty of Humanities and Social, Dublin City University
The workshop aimed to transfer knowledge on the topic of Micro-credentials as an additional qualifications and the acquisition of knowledge and skills that should meet the needs of the labor market.