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Category: Erasmus+
Hits: 11462
What it is?

Higher education mobility action supports physical and blended mobility of higher education students in any study fields and cycle. Students can either study abroad at a partner higher education institution or carry out a traineeship in an enterprise, a research institute, a laboratory, an organisation or any other relevant workplace abroad. Students can also combine a study period abroad with a traineeship.

This action also supports higher education teaching and administrative staff to take part in professional development activities abroad as well as staff from the world of work to teach and train students or staff at higher education institutions.

Under this action HEI in a EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme can send its students, doctoral candidates or staff to a partner HEI in a third country not associated to the Programme, and vice versa.
What is it for?

The action aims to foster employability, social inclusion, civic engagement, innovation and environmental sustainability in Europe and beyond.

Benefits for students and staff:

Students are exposed to different views, knowledge, teaching and research methods as well as work practices; they develop their transversal skills such as communication skills, language skills, critical thinking, problem solving, inter-cultural skills and research skills and also their forward looking skills, such as digital and green skills. Mobility facilitate personal development and self-confidence.

Professionals are enabled to share their expertise; experience new teaching environments; acquire new innovative pedagogical and curriculum design skills as well as digital skills; connect with their peers abroad to develop common activities to achieve the programme’s objectives; exchange good practices and enhance cooperation between higher education institutions; better prepare students for the world of work.

Benefits for HEIs:

Increase the capacities, attractiveness and international dimension of HEIs so that they are able to offer activities and programmes that better respond to the needs of individuals by development of transnational and transdisciplinary curricula, innovative ways of learning and teaching, online collaboration, research-based learning and challenge-based approaches, within and outside Europe.
What are the opportunities for cooperation?
  1. Student mobility between EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme and third country not associated to the Programme
  2. Staff mobility between EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme and third country not associated to the Programme
What are the opportunities for students?

Student mobility for all cycles and disciplines:

  • Study period abroad at a partner HEI (from 2 to 12 months),
  • Traineeship (work placement) abroad in an enterprise or any other relevant workplace (from 2 to 12 months).
Students are able to study abroad for a limited period for which credits are obtained. After the mobility phase, the students return to their sending institution to complete their studies. Students may receive an EU grant as a contribution to their costs for travel and subsistence during the period abroad.
What are the opportunities for staff?

Staff mobility:

  • Teaching periods: this activity allows HEI staff to teach at a partner HEI abroad in any academic discipline (In case of mobility involving third countries not associated to the Programme,from 5 days to 2 months, excluding travel time, a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week).
  • Training periods: this activity supports the professional development of HEI teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organisation abroad (In case of mobility involving third countries not associated to the Programme,from 5 days to 2 months, excluding travel time).
A period abroad can combine teaching and training activities. Staff may receive an EU grant as a contribution to their costs for travel and subsistence during the period abroad.
Who can take part?

Higher education mobility is opened to participants from HEIs established in EU Member States, third countries associated to the Programme and third countries not associated to the Programme ;

Application form, however, can only be filled in and submitted by a HEI from a EU Member States and third countries associated to the Programme on behalf of the partners;

Applicant must hold an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE);

HEIs established in a third countrie not associated to the Programme must be accredited by the relevant national accreditation organization;

HE Mobility is decentralised action, and the applicant HEI must submit the application to the National Agency;

Inter-institutional agreement (IIA) must be signed between the participating institutions before the start of the mobility, but not necessarily before applying; By signing an IIA, the institutions commit themselves to respecting the principles and quality requirements of the ECHE relating to the organisation and management of mobility, and agree on a series of measures to ensure high quality mobility (including recognition of gained credits by sending institution upon return);

Interested students and staff should contact the international relations office of their sending HEI in order to inform about the possibilities of studying abroad, as well as the modalities to apply and to receive an Erasmus+ EU grant (interested students and staff submit the application to the international relations office of their sending HEI).
What are the funding rules?

HE Mobility budget covers:

  • Organisational support grant for the HEIs (based on the number of mobility participants)
  • Grant support for the mobility of students and staff
  • Costs of travel
When to apply?

23 February at 12:00:00 (midday Brussels time) for projects starting as of 1 June of the same year or later years

Where to find out more information?

Erasmus+ Programme Guide

Call 2022 Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds KA171-HED applications sample

ICM Handbook (for calls 2018, 2019 and 2020)

Frequently Asked Questions on Erasmus+

Document Library