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Category: HERE
Hits: 2441

Istanbul, Turkey 10-11 March 2015

Event geathered more than 150 participants from different organisations/institutions andcountries: E+ Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) from EU neighbouring partnercountries from the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe, Southern Mediterranean, Russia and Central Asia, National Erasmus+ Offices' (NEOs) representatives, European and Partnercountries experts, representatives from the host institution (University of Istanbul),representatives from the Ministry of Education in Turkey, representatives from the EuropeanCommission, representatives of the European Training Foundation and the Executive Agency.

As such it served as a huge platform for discussion on link between Higher Education andVocational Education and training both in EU and EU neighbouring partner countries from the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe, Southern Mediterranean, Russia and Central Asia.BiH  HERE experts actively participated and contributed to overall conclusions and reccomendations both at international and national level.  

Four parallel Workshops treated this partnership from different point of views mainly focused on searching for the responses from the following prospective:

1. HE and VET, partnering for training of VET school teachers and managersIn particular it was discussed which strategies and measures are to be taken to improvequalifications and skills of VET professionals as well as the ways and methods to modernize /adapt teaching and pedagogical methods to be implemented within secondary and postsecondaryVET programs in view of improving their relevance and adequacy to the needs of societies and economies.

2. HE and VET, partnering for developing post-secondary intermediate levels ofqualifications for the labor marketOne of the challenges is to ensure a balanced distribution of skills on the labor market and allow proper mechanisms of technology transfer among the sectors concerned and in particular between research, industry and business. Most countries are currently lacking post-secondaryintermediate level qualifications/skills whereas the number of students enrolled in highereducation is increasing significantly.

3. HE and VET, partnering for ensuring portability of qualifications and permeability among education and training systems

4. HE and VET, partnering for fostering local development

Higher education institutions and VET providers are invited to revise their mission statements and contribute more actively to the development of communities, regions and territories. Policy makers also insist on their social role.


Conclusions and Recommendations of Experts for BiH's context: